What is EMV?
EMV is the name for the payment card standard created by the credit card issuers Europay, Mastercard, and Visa in Europe in 1993 to help fight fraudulent card-present transactions.
An EMV card, or chip card, is a credit or debit card with an integrated computer microprocessor embedded into the card that communicates with an EMV-enabled POS device or contactless terminal to authenticate an in-person transaction.
Unlike a magnetic stripe card, an EMV chip card is not swiped: it is “dipped” into a special port on a compatible terminal or card reader.
EMV cards are safer than magnetic stripe cards
and can reduce fraud in card-present transactions
in two ways. Here’s how...

The chip prevents counterfeiting
Chip cards are much more secure than payment cards that use a magnetic stripe to transmit card information to the issuer because every time the card is used, the chip generates a unique, single-use transaction code that cannot be used again. The embedded microchip cannot be cloned or re-encrypted, which makes it nearly impossible to create a counterfeit card. Even if a hacker somehow captured the code and tried to use it, the transaction would be denied.
A PIN number protects against lost or stolen cards

Why Should Merchants
Support EMV Processing?

Fidelity Makes EMV
Compliance Easy
- Obtain an EMV-ready card reader, or “dipper”
- Ensure that your equipment is certified by your processing bank
- Verify that the software installed on your equipment is updated
- Have the capability to support PIN number encryption
EMV-Certified Hardware
Choose from our lineup of popular payment terminals, card readers, pin pads, and other hardware that support EMV chip-cards. We offer many wireless and countertop terminals from industry-leading brands like PAX, Verifone, Ingenico, and Clover. Click here to learn more about these hardware options and many more.
EMV-Ready Gateway
Our gateway can be integrated seamlessly with browser-based and cloud-based POS systems so you can start processing EMV payments fast—without making changes to your current setup.

Ready to get started?
Call Fidelity today at 855-794-7348 to become EMV compliant.